Millville Memorial High School 50th. Class Reunion
August 21st, 2010
Last update, August 29, 2010
Use your scroll bars to see the entire picture and maximize your screen.
Don't forget to view the photo's of the reunion below the group picture.
The Following Pictures by Lois Becker (McClure)
Delores Wood ~ Sandy Bass ~ Judy Commander
Delores Wood ~ Joan Baily ~ Diane Hoffman ~ Kay Pettit
Beverly Minkwitz ~ Emma Watson
George Simmerman and Wife Mary
Arlene Gentilini ~ Donald War
Alice Kinnard and Chuck Murphy
Carol Jean Blizzard
Bob Siena and Sharon Fallows
James Martin and Wife Linda
Valerie Otroshkin ~ Delores Delacore ~ Sharon Fallows
Donna Sears ~ Karen Rush ~ Sandy Gibson
Roy Porch and Wife Delores Delacore
Joan Garrison ~ Sandy Bass ~ David Robbins ~ Diane Hoffman
Joan Garrison and Husband David Robbins
Jeannette Baily ~ Mary Ellen Hyson ~ Mary Lou Dastalfo
Cliff Hickman and Wife Karen
Lew Ferguson and Wife Joyce
Lew Ferguson and Wife Joyce ~ Lois Becker
Marlis Fisher ~ Valerie Otroshkin ~ Lois Becker and Husband George McClure
George Kracke and Wife Sandi
Ceolia Lore and Husband George Carty
Ceolia Lore and Sandy Moore
Delores Caldwell and
Husband Robert James
Paul Hinson and companion Marion Formica
Preston Hoffman and Wife Anna May
Dave Vanaman and Wife Kathy
John Tozer and Carol Musto
Betty Boker ~ Lois Becker ~ Dory Saul
O’Connel Brown and Wife Carolyn
John Plummer and Wife
Charrmaine King and husband Lee Sutton
Stan Shewlakow ~ Suzan Girard and niece Carol Bononcini
Eleanor Eigenmann and husband Robert Harnish
Gary Sherman and wife Mary
John Tenbrook and wife Michelle
Joe Parker and Wife Kathy Lange
Steve Kurtz and wife Claire
Donna Sears ~ Karen Rush ~ Sandy Gibson
Arlene Gentilini and Alice Kinnard
Richard Reeves and Kathy McClain
Gloria Dittmeier and husband James Winfield
Carol Trembly and Husband Bob Noble
Judith Wyatt ~ Lois Becker ~ Yvonne (Bonnie) Upham
Nancy McCaw and husband Clark Turner
Yvonne Upham and Husband Ken Mosley
Mary Sherman and Husband Gary Sherman
Harry Moore and wife Sandy Moore
Mary Lou Dastalfo ~ Debbie Herman ~ Kathleen McClain ~ Joyce Kolibaba
Judy Commander ~ Penni Bruce ~ Donna Sears ~ Kaye Pettit
Jay Goff and Wife Marlyn
Paul Hinson and Pat Bowen
Left to right is Donna Sears, Susan Walker, John TenBrook & Joe Parker at the Salad bowl
Dale Kessler and wife Edna
row: George Martin and wife, John Tozer (in black suit) &
wife Carol Musto
row is (black suit) Chuck Murphy & Alice Kinnard. Arlene
Gentilini & Donald War
Left: Dave Thompson (stripped shirt)
Ruth Ann Neal (Becker) ~ Arlene Gentilini
Claire Kurtz at the Chocolate fountain
Art Goransen and Carolyn Brown
Nancy McCaw and her husband, Clark Turner & Art Goranson
Mary Simmerman and Paul Hinson at the “SUNDAY ice cream table
Charles and Patricia Langsdorf
Dale Wettstein and
wife Jo-Ann
Kathy Hinckley
Carol Sutton and Husband (First Marrige in 1957)
Delores Delecour (5 Great Grandchildren)
Marlis Fisher (Came from Washington State, Most Distance Traveled)
George Simmerman and wife Mary (Most Recently Married)
Bob Branin and wife Ginger (The Oldest Child)
Bill Herman and wife Debby (Youngest Child, 24 years)
Dan Whilden and Companion Bobbi Ayers (Most Replaced Parts)
Military Recognition
Bill Bell
O'Connell Brown
Jay Goff
Bill Herman
Wayne Mc Farland
Art Goranson
Neal Schick
Larry Shuemate
Dory Saul
John Tenbrook
John Plummer
John Tozer
Dave Thompson
Bob Sienna
Bill Hawn
Joe Eigenmann
Robert James and wife Delores Caldwell with Lois Becker Standing
Herald Moser and Wife Donna Sears
Bob Branin and wife Ginger
Bill Bell and Wife Debby
Susan Walker-Kathy Hinkley, Mary Lou Dastalfo - Mary Ellen Hyson-Dan Whildin-Dona Sears –Bob Siena
Gary Sherman and Lois Becker Alice Kinnard & Dory Saul
The Following Pictures by Sandy Gibson (Hogan)
Sandy Gibson and Marlis Fisher
Bill Bell and Sandy Gibson
Bill Bell and Art Goranson
Center Joe Parker & Sandy Gibson
Pat Hart
Art Goranson and Joe Parker
Sandy Gibson and Arlene Gentilini
Carol Musto ~ Marlis Fisher ~ Arlene Gentilini ~ Alice Kinnard & Larry Shumate
Larry Shumate and Sandy Gibson
George and Betty Martin Dale Wettstein
Sandy Gibson and Joan Garrison
George Martin Susan Girard
Susan Girard
Karen Rush dancing with John Tenbrook
The Following Pictures by Karen Rush (Johnson)
Michelle Tenbrook ~ Deborah Fay ~ Wayne Mc Farland ~ John Tenbrook
Sandy Gibson (Hogan) ~ Ruth Ann Neal (Becker)
Dale Kessler and wife Edna ~ Carol Bononcini
Bill Jozefyk ~ Sue Walker (Jozefyk)
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